Cow teeth

To add to the rumor that there once was a dump located offshore, there also may have been a slaughterhouse nearby. Mingled in with the coral bits, I can usually find at least one tooth on each walk in the swash.

I had hoped that this might be a manatee tooth (otherwise known as a sea cow) since they are constantly lost and replaced through an individual’s lifetime, but manatee teeth are much smaller than the average tooth I find at this beach.

It could be a horse tooth, but comparing images on the web (like the photo below), everything still seem to point to cow…

I keep think of the ad which proclaims that “California cows are happy cows”. Until I find a historical document referencing a beef slaughterhouse in Key West, I’m going to picture the original owner of these teeth to be a tropical cow tiptoeing through the swash. That’s a much happier image to ponder on my daily journey at the beach.

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